Do You Offer Custom Programming? Print

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Yes, we do.

Custom programming, whether it be a completely new script OR a modification to an existing programme, is done on a job-to-job basis.

We do recommend you get your custom work done via 3001Web for the following reasons:

  1. We have a good stable of reliable professional programmers we work with. They are fast and efficient and can be trusted to have access to your site. If you go looking for a programmer yourself, you do not know who they are, whether they are good at what they do, whether they will continue to support their work should something go wrong. Basically, you would be giving a complete stranger complete access to your site.

  2. We offer our programmers regular work all year long, therefore, they tend to discount their hourly rates for us to stay in our “good books”. While you may pay a programmer £60 -£100 an hour, we can possibly get the same work done for you for £50- £75 an hour.

If you require custom programming work, please submit a ticket to us and let us know in FULL detail the work you would like done. We will then get quotes for you from our programmers. If you accept the quote you will be expected to pay the programming fees upfront, we will however not pay the programmer until you are happy the work is completed.

Please note that you MUST be fully detailed in your request. The programmers will quote based on the work you asked for. If you start changing your mind or adding extra tasks or edits after the job has started, they WILL charge you extra for additional requests.

We will never start work until you accept a quote and pay the invoice for the programmers' fees.

Before you have any custom work done on your site, whether it be WordPress or not, you MUST realise that custom programming is not a one-time affair. When WordPress or other programmes update (And they do so regularly) the custom programming may need to be checked and or edited to continue to work with your site.

We highly recommend that if you are using WordPress that where possible you opt for premium plugins to achieve functionality instead. Premium plugins are constantly updated when WordPress changes, and you are not paying over and over for a programmer to update your custom code.

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