As a hosting customer of 3001Web we do provide some backup services for your site at our expense, please be aware however that backing up your data whether that be your site or your email is your responsibility, not ours. It is your business and your data. While we take every precaution we can to help, you need to make sure you are on top of this.
Storing data does cost money, but please consider what it would cost you should you lose data to something silly like a hard drive failure or a hacker. How long would it take you to redo all the work lost? Could you even recover the work, orders, or emails? This really is worth getting right.
Below, you can learn what backups we currently offer free as part of your hosting account with us.
Free Backups For ALL Hosting Accounts
We will take 6 daily backups of your site using Jet backup this backup is stored remotely on our backup servers and full backups or individual files or folders can be restored in the event of an issue. Backups are stored for 30 days and rotate. So for example, on day 30 the backup from day 1 will be deleted. These backups include your website and your email accounts.
Additional Free Weekly Disaster Backup Stored In Our Google Drive Account
This is done as a failsafe in case anything goes wrong with the Jet backups offered by our data centre, the backup is of your entire site but not emails. Bear in mind this is just once per week, and we store the last 8 weeks worth of backups.
Optional extra Daily or Hourly Backups With Individual File Restore Possible (WordPress website files only, no email)
For just a few pounds extra per month, we can increase the regularity of the backups of your site to one of our remote servers. Here is the pricing for that:
Every 12 hours £4.99
Every 6 hours £5.99
Hourly £9.99
A £10 set-up fee applies to all the above.
As well as us storing these extra backups, we can optionally have them sent automatically to the data storage provider of your choice, whether that be Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive or others.
Note that the only email backups available are the six daily backups taken daily at the server level. See our page on hosting your email professionally to avoid the risk of mail loss.
These backups can only be restored by us but allow the restoration of any file or folder or your entire site.
If you want to order extra backups for your site put in a work request here
Free Backups For ALL Hosting Accounts
We will take 6 daily backups of your site using Jet backup this backup is stored remotely and full backups or individual files or folders can be restored in the event of an issue. Backups are stored for 30 days and rotate. So for example, on day 30 the backup from day 1 will be deleted. These backups include your website and your email accounts.
Additional Free Weekly Disaster Backup Stored In Our Google Drive Account
This is done as a failsafe in case anything goes wrong with the Jet backups offered by our data centre, the backup is of your entire site but not emails. Bear in mind this is just once per week, and we store the last 8 weeks worth of backups.
Optional extra Daily or Hourly Backups With Individual File Restore Possible (WordPress website files only, no email)
For just a few pounds extra per month, we can increase the regularity of the backups of your site to our Google Drive. Here is the pricing for that:
Every 12 hours £4.99
Every 6 hours £5.99
Hourly £9.99
A £10 set-up fee applies to all the above.
As well as us storing these extra backups, we can optionally have them sent automatically to the data storage provider of your choice, whether that be Dropbox, One Drive, Google Drive or others.
Note that the only email backup available is the one taken at the server level. See our page on hosting your email professionally to avoid the risk of mail loss.
These backups can only be restored by us but allow the restoration of any file or folder or your entire site.
If you want to order extra backups for your site put in a work request here