Client Support
Let's get your issue or question sorted. We have listed your support options in this specific order to get you the help you need in the fastest possible time. We highly recommend you seek support in the following order:
Visit Our Knowledge Base
This is quite simply the FASTEST way to get help.
There is an excellent chance your answer is here. 80% of support tickets we answer could have found an instant solution had they checked the knowledge base first.
Why waste time waiting for one of the team to answer your question when the answer could already be here, and you could get it now?
Submit A Support Ticket
If you cannot find your answer in the knowledge base, submit a support ticket to our team, and we will answer it as soon as we can.
Technical support is available 24/7.
Site editing and work requests are dealt with 9am–5pm Mon–Fri.
Tickets are dealt with in the order they are received and depending on the urgency of the issue.
Call Us 03330 501023
This should be for urgent matters or complex questions only. We do not offer technical support or deal with site editing requests by telephone.
Phone lines are open most days between 9 am and 5 pm. At other times, or if all our team are busy with other clients, you can leave us a voice mail, and we will call you back as soon as possible.
Live Chat (By Invite Only)
On rare occasions, we may ask you to jump on chat if we are doing complex edits or design and need quick answers from you.
If this is the case, we will invite you to a chat session at a specific time we can arrange with you.
Sorry No Email Support
Sorry, we do not offer email support at 3001Web. You can see why we do not offer email support here.