Spam Solution
Protect Your E-Mail Inbox


Spam is not only annoying it can cost you serious amounts of time to deal with on a daily basis, this is time that you could be investing in your business.

While spam is a fact of internet life we all need to be able to deal with it in as short a time as possible.

We have come up with an excellent spam solution that has reduced our e-mail checking time from over an hour to a few minutes.

See Our Spam Solution ⇓

Spam Policy

Obviously, you already know that spam can be a pain in the neck when running an online business. We offer full solutions to help you minimise the impact of spam on your working day.

Website Email Forms

If 3001 web built your site for you then any email forms will be spam resistant. They will not show your email address in the source code so there is no easy way for spammers to see your email address.

Should you wish to spam-proof your email forms a little more we can add a captcha to your site's forms for as little as £5 please put in a support ticket and ask us to do that for you.

Help Sorting Spam In Your Email Accounts

Note the title of this section, we did not say "help to stop spam". Spam is a fact of internet life no one will stop it. Sadly, many large companies and internet service providers choose to try and filter email at the server level in a futile attempt to stop it, this will not work.

The problem with trying to filter email is that they are using programs with a fixed set of rules for all websites on their system. How can they make one set of rules that will serve very different businesses and people? They can not, and they often get this horribly wrong. This results in thousands of legitimate business emails being deleted or sent to spam folders because their filters don't like the look of a particular message.

How happy would you be if the person who delivered your real mail decided for you that you may or may not want a letter? Imagine them just throwing away a letter addressed to you because THEY think you will not want to read it. This is what over sensitised hosts and ISPs are doing right now. This is not good for your business.

3001 web does have mail filtering systems installed on our servers but we do not turn them on by default. We leave the choice of whether to use them or not to you. Perhaps surprisingly, we suggest you do not use them for the above reasons, they are a one size fits all solution and losing just one email from a potential new client could cost you thousands.

The Problem Remains

As we have already established spam is not going anywhere. So what we need is a method to weed out all the rubbish and quickly. Well, there IS a solution.

A gem of a program called mail washer pro.

We have tested many many anti-spam programs and this is quite simply the best we have seen. We can not recommend this highly enough to any website owner or internet user.

This program saves us hundreds of hours a month just think about what you could do with that time, service your clients, promote your site the list goes on.

Mail Washer Pro helps you quickly sort spam from regular mail while making sure you do not lose legitimate email.

Here’s how the program works:

This is not an email programme plugin it is a separate program. Mail washer pro checks all your email while it is still on the server before you open your mail client or download it to your pc.

This has 2 main advantages:

  1. You do not download viruses in emails to your PC
  2. Spammers often verify that email addresses exist by including an image in an email. When you open that email the spammers know that your email address called the image from their website and have confirmed your email address is real. Neither of those things occurs when the email is checked on the server before download.

When Mail Washer Pro checks your emails on the server it compares them to the SpamCop and first alert spam databases. If it recognises the email is from a known spammer that email is marked as spam, checked to be deleted, and coloured red in the mail list.

So you simply click “Process mail” and the program begins by deleting all those emails from the server.

If there is an email that COULD be spam but Mailwasher is not sure it is marked as unknown and the colour is left white in the list. You can then simply click a little button next to the email to tell the program whether the mail is good or bad.

You can also select to report any spam you receive to the spam databases. Obviously, if they get repeated reports for the same server they will add that to the known spammer list.

If the email is good it will be marked in a green colour and will not be removed.

This program learns as it goes and is VERY easy to use.

It also spots those fake Paypal, bank and eBay emails (Phishing)

Here at 3001Web, we get hundreds of spam emails a day, we would previously spend an hour plus every morning sorting the mail. Now we have that down to about 3 minutes.

What you end up with is a list of safe wanted emails you can then deal with in your inbox. Obviously, we can't help with any work there but we have at least not wasted too much time on the spam.

Free Trial

The pro and pro trial versions support unlimited email accounts and can be used on 3 devices so if you have more than one site or a site with different email addresses it can monitor ALL your addresses at once.

We can not recommend this program enough. You have nothing to lose there is a free 30 day trial of the program so you can give it a try.

After the 30 days is over the program is just £29.95 per year. That's 8p a day to save you hours wading through nonsense emails.

In our opinion this program is WAY underpriced, it has saved the 3001Web team literally thousands of wasted hours sorting out junk mail.

Get a 30 day free trial of mail washer by clicking the button below.